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NCPA Short Story Anthologies

Getting a story edited and published in one of our anthologies is a member benefit of joining NCPA.

Submissions for NCPA's ALL Holidays Vol. 3, and Chronicles of NCPA anthologies are now open to NCPA members.

If you aren't a member and would like to submit to anthologies, you're welcome to join NCPA. Membership is $40/year. No other charge to enter a story. If your story is included, you receive one free book plus you also have the option to purchase more at cost, then sell at a profit.

ALL Holidays  Word count :

STORY: *Minimum 500 * Maximum 3500 words 

POETRY  in Holidays, ONLY: * up to 1000 words total, including titles, as many poems as you want. OK to mix Holiday Poems - Deadline for submission August 15th, 2024!!!


Chronicles Word count :

STORY: * Minimum 500 *Maximum 4500 words 

Submit your stories to - Deadline for submission tentatively April 2025!!!!


If you have a story or poem. questions, comments, suggestions, complaints, or anything else, please send to Norma Thornton at:

Guidelines, Application, and Agreement

Application and Agreement required for every submission.

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Click a cover to see our anthologies: